Kobi is a Global Talent Acquisition Leader. He has an educational background in Human Resources. Having worked in the HR function as an HR Generalist, International Mobility and Talent Acquisition. Kobi is a big advocate for Diversity & Inclusion in recruitment.
He has worked in the FMCG, Retail, Sporting Goods, Fashion, and Technology industries for 22 years.
With his years in Human Resources and Talent Acquisition functions, Kobi brings insights that can help you gain a different perspective. He has also found his why and that is “To Inspire People to Help others by being a Role Model in everything I Do to create Equality in the world”
Kobi op het festival
Kobi verzorgt samen met Kemo Camara de sessie ‘The Power of Bicultural Talent’ – sessie 3 (15.15-16.00) in zaal 21.
During this session Kemo & Kobi have a candid conversation and will share their stories and journey of being bicultural from African decent. Also they will share why companies should tap and unlock the talent potential around Bicultural Talent.
We believe that the potential of the bicultural talent, especially those of African descent, is massively untapped, and when unlocked, will create empowered professionals who are meaningful contributors to the economy and culture.