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Responsratio bij sourcing behoorlijk in de lift

Is it a sign of a labor market that is changing? At Cooble, they have noticed remarkably high response rates from approached candidates over the past six months, of more than 52%.

Responsratio bij sourcing behoorlijk in de lift

Sourcing is becoming increasingly important in recruitment. And the good news: candidates are also more likely to respond positively to it. At the beginning of 2022, a ‘cold’ InMail at the specialized agency Cooble still led to a response from a candidate in 48.2% of cases, but this slowly increased over the course of the year. In the last quarter, 52.2% of approached candidates responded to a request from the company’s sourcers.

In the last quarter, 52.2% of the candidates approached responded to an InMail.

The number of conversations that result from this is also on the rise. At the beginning of 2022, around 7.5% of the approaches actually resulted in a first job interview. By the end of 2022, this had risen to an average of 9% . However, the number of candidates who are actually presented to the client after that interview does decrease (slightly). At the beginning of last year, Cooble introduced an average of 62.2% of the number of candidates spoken to the hiring manager . By the end of the year this had fallen to 56.4% .

More than half on interview

Of all those proposed candidates, 53.5% ultimately actually go for an interview with the client, according to the Sourcing Benchmark Q4 , an analysis for which Cooble‘s sourcers collect their data every quarter. The report also shows that a sourcer needs an average of more than two working weeks to realize one hire , or 84.7 hours. The 45 Cooble sourcers approached a total of 42,911 candidates in the last quarter of the year.

In total, the 45 Cooble sourcers approached 42,911 candidates in the last quarter.

This approach is mainly done via LinkedIn, according to sourcer Laura Roetgerink . Facebook, specialized target group platforms (such as Stack Overflow), CV databases and, for example, an X-ray search are also used . But LinkedIn is the most important, says Roetgerink. And not surprising. ‘With 774 million members worldwide, there are plenty of candidate profiles to be found. There are 5 million members in the Netherlands. According to Findstack, about 45% of users are active monthly. And 40% of them even log in every day.’

Knowing more?

Download the entire benchmark here

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Peter Boerman

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