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Belangstelling voor sourcing groeit ook in 2023 gewoon door; ook responsratio neemt weer toe

We previously proclaimed the tight labor market year of 2022 as ‘ the glory year of sourcing ‘. But interest in actively approaching candidates is increasing again this year, according to recent research by Cooble.

Belangstelling voor sourcing groeit ook in 2023 gewoon door; ook responsratio neemt weer toe

It has now been more than a year that sourcing specialist Cooble has been closely monitoring its own results, reporting them every three months in the so-called Sourcing Benchmark . That of course provides nice comparison material, and allows you to see some trends that might remain hidden without those figures. For example, in the benchmark of the first quarter of this year it is striking that initially fewer people seemed to respond to a call from a sourcer, but that this has increased again since March.

So far this year, 7.7% of candidates responded to a sourcer’s call.

It is also noticeable that the demand for sourcing has increased in the market since March, according to partner & sourcing geek Milou Verhoeks, who will tell her audience more about the ‘superpower’ of the combination of Sourcing and Employer Branding during Werf& Live on May 16. Some other notable findings from the recent benchmark:

> More and more reminders sent

In the first quarter of 2023, Cooble sent a reminder to 35.5% of the candidates approached to draw their attention again to the first message sent . Verhoeks: ‘We started sending many more reminders, especially in March. Compared to 2022, this is a significant increase, the average at the time was 28.2% . Although we also saw an increasing trend in the number of reminders during the year .’

> More and more positive reactions

While in all of 2022, approximately 6.8% of messages sent led to a positive response, this increased significantly at the beginning of this year, to 7.7% of candidates approached.

> More and more proposed candidates

In the first quarter of this year, there was also a significant increase in the number of candidates who were interviewed and ultimately introduced to the hiring manager . While last year the average was 64%, this year it rose to more than 68% of the candidates.

We previously proclaimed the tight labor market year of 2022 as 'the glory year of sourcing'. But interest in sourcing is increasing again this year, according to recent research by Cooble.

> More and more sacrifices

There was a significant drop in the number of candidates proposed for a first interview in the first quarter. But the number of candidates who ultimately received an offer from the employer is on the rise again this year. This averaged 41.5% throughout 2022, increasing to 44.7% in the first three months of this year.

> Fewer and fewer refusals

Candidates currently appear to be more willing to accept such an offer. For example, the percentage that refuses an offer fell sharply – from 25.1% in the whole of 2022 to 14.7% in the first quarter of this year. What is also beneficial: it currently takes a sourcer fewer hours to realize a hire . While this required an average of 77.1 hours in 2022, Cooble has managed to limit it to 76 hours this year for the time being.

Some target groups are overloaded with messages every day, others are not.

There are considerable differences per vacancy in this figure,’ says Verhoeks. Some target groups are overloaded with messages every day, others are not. The response rate and therefore the number of messages you have to send to get any responses differs enormously per profile.’

Knowing more?

Curious about all the figures of the funnel? Download the entire Sourcing Benchmark of the first quarter of 2023 here


Curious about Milou’s story?

Curious about what else Milou Verhoeks has to say about how you can build a winning combination with sourcing and employer branding? And how Cooble managed to use this at the Public Prosecution Service? You will hear that on May 16, during Werf& Live . Look here for more information, or order your tickets immediately:

Shipyard & Live

Photo above: the Cooble team together.

Hoofdredacteurbij Werf&

Peter Boerman

Hij heeft eigenlijk nog nooit een vacature uitgezet. En meer sollicitatiegesprekken gevoerd als kandidaat dan als recruiter of werkgever. Toch schrijft Peter Boerman alweer een jaar of 10 over weinig anders dan over de wondere wereld van werving en selectie, in al zijn facetten.
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